1 block = 512 bytes = 256 sample words EPS diskette = 1600 blocks EPS fully loaded = 4096 blocks instruments, 1024 blocks sequencer Yamaha Motif XS6 has 355MB of ROM (372,244,480 bytes, 727,040 blocks, 454.4 EPS floppies) MB = 1,048,576 bytes *** Acoustic Pianos *** Grand 88 (1822) Ted-001, Ted-002, ESD-51 and ESD-52: Almost everything about this sound is perfect. 5/5 Steinway1933 (1585) Greytsounds EPS-1-12: Attack is ok, but seems thin/artificial. Sustain is poor. 3/5 Grand Piano (948) ESD-1001: Too punchy. Lousy sustain. Fine for fast things, not for slow. 3/5 Steinway 2 (3010) ED-31, ED-32: This sounds absolutely horrid on an EPS Classic. It might sound better on the EPS-16+. Wavesample transition problems all over the keyboard 1/5. The samples at different velocity levels actually make it harder to play. Velocity sensitivity is different all over the keyboard 1/5. Sustain is anemic 2/5. This is just plain bad. Overall: 2/5 Bosendorfr 2 (2806) ED-33, ED-34: This sounds absolutely horrid on an EPS Classic. It might sound better on the EPS-16+. Wavesample transition problems all over the keyboard. Velocity sensitivity is different all over the keyboard, 1/5. Sustain is mediocre 3/5. Another just plain bad piano sound for the EPS. Overall: 2/5 *** Electric/Synth Pianos *** Dig E-Piano1 (296) ESD-3: ** patch is a great bell piano. Fender Rhodes. See Dig T-Piano. 5/5 Dig T-Piano (159) Ted-002: Dig E-Piano1 pared down to the good part. Only layers 1, 5, and 6. 5/5 Dyno-My Pno (80) Greytsounds EPS-1-07: Attack is nice and bell-like. Sustain is good but static. 5/5 Piano + 1 (498) ESD-42: Electric piano. Possibly a Wurlitzer. 4/5 Wurlitzer Lt (238) Greytsounds EPS-1-07: Noticeable WS transition problems. Sustain is fairly long, but seems to cut off. 4/5 Wurlitzer Dk (124) Greytsounds EPS-1-07: Noticeable WS transition problem. Sustain varies across the keyboard. 4/5 Ians Wurly (229) Greytsounds EPS-1-07: Aggressive distorted electric piano. Noticeable WS transition problems. Sustain is static and varies across the keyboard. 4/5. Rhodes (402) Greytsounds EPS-1-07: Noticeable WS transition problems. Sustain is good but static. Oh for a 1600 block version!!! 4/5 Elec Piano (181) ESD-13: Synth Rhodes. Ok, but only a single wavesample. Sustain has an interesting loop. 4/5 Elec Piano (167) ESD-70: Almost a Rhodes, but too thin. 4/5 Clavipiano (187) ESD-5007: Synth piano. Ok. Rock Piano 1 (627) ESD-2: Ok synth piano. No Grand 88. Electric Piano 1 (263) ESD-31: Nasty WS transition. 3/5 Dian Piano (380) ESD-10: Scratchy attack. No sustain. 3/5 Piano (129) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth piano. Mediocre. Elec Piano (???) Pocket Song: Bell piano with velocity sensitivity. Synth. Mediocre. Synthpiano (7) ESD-27: Just bad. Has an ok bell attack, but there's something overwhelming it. 2/5 Dgtl Piano (489) ESD-42: Punchy digital piano sound. Not very good. Elec Piano (9) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth piano. Not good. Wurly Piano (6) ESD-5003: FM synth piano. Lousy. *** Harpsichords *** Harpsicord 1 (510) Ted-002, Greytsounds EPS-2-01: Simple, straight harpsichord. Attack is perfect. Sustain is ok but static. Release includes click. 5/5 Harpsicord 3 (530) Greytsounds EPS-2-01: Doubled harspichord. Attack is perfect. Sustain is ok but static. Release includes click. 5/5 Harpsicord 2 (258) Greytsounds EPS-2-01: Massive layered harpsichord. Attack is perfect. Sustain is weak and static. Release includes click. 4/5 *** Unusual Pianos and Clavinets *** Tak Piano (50) ESD-70: Asian attack. Nice sustain. 5/5 FM Clav (22) ESD-70: 4/5 Tuff Clav (121) ESD-5003: FM synth clavinet. Ok. Clavinet (377) ESD-31: Sustain seems short. 3/5 Perkazoid (???) ESD-1: Bell/toy piano. *** Guitars *** Crunch Guitar 1 (597) ESD-10: Distortion, muted, sustained 5ths. Ok. 4/5 Synth Guitar (65) ESD-70: Nylon string guitar. 4/5 Ac Guitar (819) ESD-1002: Acoustic guitar. Nylon string. 4/5 Dream Guitar (963) ESD-1007: Extremely bright guitar. OK. Stl Str Git (???) ESD-1: Fairly convincing steel string guitar. Lead Guitar (849) ESD-5022: Ok distorted guitar. Includes fifths. Rock Gtr 5ths ESD-36: OK, but nothing spectacular. Pluck Guitar (192) ESD-5003: FM synth guitar. Ok. Rockin' Guitar (483) ESD-21 Clean electric guitar. 3/5 Crunch Guitar 1 (597) ESD-13: Typical lousy distortion guitar. 3/5 Electric Guitar (317) ESD-27: Typical lame distortion guitar. 3/5 Sm Pwr Chord (292) ESD-60: Distorted guitar power chord with flanger. 3/5 Nylon Guitar (176) ESD-5003: FM synth guitar. Mediocre. Electric Guitar (993) ESD-1008: Awful. But then, I do play guitar. Solo Rock Gtr (???) ESD-36: Horrid. But then, I'm a guitarist. Guitar Pick (???) Pocket Song: Muted Guitar Pick Tap Feedback (276) ESD-5022: Guitar tap harmonic with feedback. Harmonics (26) ESD-5022: Guitar harmonics. EBow Guitar (250) ESD-5022: Distorted guitar played with electronic bow. *** Basses *** Elec Bass (38) ESD-70: FM synth bass. 5/5 Bass-2 (317) ESD-107: Powerful synth bass. 5/5 8String Bass (179) ESD-5022: Nice bright bass. Heavy Bass (132) ESD-5001: OB-8 heavy synth bass. Nice. Eurobass (317) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth bass. Nice. Punch Bass (120) ESD-5003: FM synth bass. Nice! RJ-Bs+Harm (1422) ESD-108: Smooth, fingered bass. Transition probs. 4/5 Bass+Organ (27) ESD-10: Synth bass on the low keys, "organ" (without sustain) on the high. 4/5 Rock Bass (118) ESD-13: Sustain is static, too long, and cuts off. 4/5 Mixed Bass (49) ESD-26: Synth bass with very short sustain. 4/5 Brovo Bass (124) ESD-27: Synth bass, infinite sustain. 4/5 Breathy Bass (264) ESD-48: Bowed double-bass. 4/5 Basic 1 (87) ESD-56: Synth bass. 4/5 FM Bass (54) ESD-56: Growling synth bass. 4/5 Sync Bass (295) ESD-56: Massive synth bass. Lead bass. 4/5 SS Bass (34) ESD-60: Synth bass. 4/5 FM Slap Bass (45) ESD-70: No sustain of any sort. 4/5 Seq Bass (39) ESD-70: FM synth bass with big attack. 4/5 RJ-Bass Hip (904) ESD-109: Slapped bright bass. Great, but you need a normal bass to go with it. 4/5 Mr KoolBass (120) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth bass. Good. Slam Bass (???) ESD-5006: Very powerful synth bass. Good. Mega Bass (???) ESD-5004: Synth bass. Good. Monster Bass (473) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth bass. More synthy. Good. VL Bass (95) Ted-103: Modified version of EL Bass from ESD-1005. It's a bit cheesy. 3/5 Elec Bass 1 (59) ESD-36: Gets bright at high velocities. 52 is about the limit for a normal bass sound. 3/5 Electric Bass 4 (???) ESD-36: This sounds exactly like Elec Bass 1 on ESD-36. 3/5 Fretless + (81) ESD-28: Synth bass. 3/5 Synth Bass (41) ESD-70: Filter swept bass. 3/5 Upright Bass (196) ESD-1005: Ok, I guess. Echo Bass (with strings) (105) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth bass. Ok. Patch select gives string sound. FM Filt Bass (96) ESD-5003: FM synth bass. Very "synth". Ok. Electric Bass 2 (???) ESD-36: Slap bass with distortion. Pretty good. Electric Bass 3 (???) ESD-36: Slap bass clean. Pretty good. EL Bass (262) ESD-1005: Electric Bass. Finger/slap based on velocity. Constant volume. I think VL Bass is my version of this. Round*Wound (???) Pocket Song: Bright bass. Super Bass (???) ESD-29: Percussive synth bass. Hit hard to get slap/pull. Dyno Bass (175) ESD-21: Sounds like file is damaged. Could probably fix with my utilities. *** Organs *** Perf Organ (776) ESD-25: Nice organ with chorused sustain. 5/5 Organ 472 (472) ESD-25: Smaller version of Perf Organ missing the ** patch. 5/5 Ham and Organ (45) ESD-55: "Feel's So Good" 5/5 Mike's Organ (115) ESD-55: Like "Feel's So Good", but the click is on the release. Might actually be bad. 5/5 Take Me Out (142) ESD-55: Baseball organ. 5/5 Organ 1 (170) ESD-55: Ska! 5/5 Organ 2 (275) ESD-55: 5/5 Organ 3 (142) ESD-55: 5/5 Organ 5 (97) ESD-55: 5/5 Percussive Organ (102) ESD-55: Organ with chime attack. 5/5 Pipe Organ (49) ESD-5001: OB-8 massive bright synth organ. Nice. Drwbr Orgn 2 (???) ESD-42: Nice clicky/mellow organ. Like organ on Van Halen's "Feels So Good". Drawbar Org 1 (275) ESD-31: 4/5 Full Pipe Organ (498) ESD-49: Two wavesamples, serious transition problem. 4/5 Pipe Org Brass (499) ESD-49: Two wavesamples, serious transition problem. 4/5 Pipe Org Positiv (390) ESD-49: Simple pipe organ sound. Two wavesamples, serious transition problem. 4/5 Organ 4 (184) ESD-55: 4/5 Key Click Organ (66) ESD-55: Organ with chime attack. 4/5 Eilsel Organ (103) ESD-55: Leslie organ. 4/5 Synth Organ (17) ESD-70: 4/5 Church Organ (11) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth small/warm organ. Good. Combo Organ (16) ESD-5003: FM synth big organ. Good. Pipe Organ (771) ESD-8: MASSIVE CATHEDRAL ORGAN. Good. Garage Organ (18) ESD-55: Cheap organ. 3/5 *** Pads/Voice *** Ze Flutes (168) ESD-23: Flute pad with metallic attack. 5/5 Flute Choir (142) ESD-28: Nice pad. 5/5 Glorious (411) ESD-53: Ethereal Pad. 5/5 The Calling (331) ESD-59: Bell/chime plus tuneless haunting voice pad. Spooky. Halloween sound. 5/5 Baccus Choir (345) ESD-59: Bell/chime plus tuneless angelic voice pad. 5/5 Marakesh (560) ESD-59: Bell/chime/woodblock pad. Tuneless. 5/5 VoiceBell 2 (496) ESD-61: Bell/voice pad. Kind of over-the-top "pretty". 5/5 Ageless (664) ESD-65: Crystal/string pad. 5/5 Voices 1 (165) ESD-66: Bright crystal voice pad. 5/5 Ecstasy (624) ESD-1009: Breathy synth pad. Nice. Big Guy (1256) ESD-5026: Nice Synth Pad. Textured Pad (569) ESD-5007: Nice warm pad. Snow Voices (???) ESD-5008: Nice voice pad. Nu World Vox (???) ESD-5009: Great voice pad. Moonlight (595) ESD-1002: Dark, percussive, slightly breathy synth pad. 4/5 India Bound (958) ESD-22: Plucked pad. 4/5 Small India (323) ESD-22: Smaller version of India Bound. Plucked pad. 4/5 Spectre (145) ESD-60: Breathy pad. 4/5 Angelic (389) ESD-61: voice pad. 4/5 Vocooze (120) ESD-61: voice pad. 4/5 Celtic Choir (308) ESD-62: Dark voice pad. 4/5 The Tomb (687) ESD-63: Windchime pad. Single sample really hurts. 4/5 Toasted (210) ESD-68: Glasses clanking with crystal pad. 4/5 Frencheese Cafe (270) ESD-69: Bell/Accordian pad. 4/5 Stewkey Inst (71) ESD-70: Pad. 4/5 Singin Oboe (12) ESD-70: Oboe + voice. Haunting. 4/5 Breath Choir (34) ESD-5003: FM synth voice pad. Good. Voicebell (188) ESD-27: Weird pad. 3/5 Choir 1 + 2 (136) ESD-45: 3/5 Choir 3 (264) ESD-45: 3/5 Industry Vox (136) ESD-60: Factory and voices. Obvious loop. 3/5 Celestial Voices (485) ESD-1005: Synth voice pad. Oh/Ah. Metal Voices (373) ESD-5007: Mellow voices. Kagong Rez (???) ESD-5009: Explosive pad. *** Woodwinds *** Clarinet (1297) ESD-122: Slow attack. 5/5 Asia (755) ESD-63: Asian flutes. 5/5 Perc Bottle (264) ESD-48: No perc, just a blown bottle. 5/5 Flute (242) ESD-46: 4/5 Bass Clarinet (157) ESD-46: 4/5 Clarinet (126) ESD-46: 4/5 Bassoon (274) ESD-46: 4/5 Oboe (285) ESD-46: 4/5 Wooden Flute (133) ESD-48: 4/5 Recorder (140) ESD-62: Breathy. 4/5 Pan Floot (190) ESD-70: Very breathy flute. 4/5 Singin Oboe (12) ESD-70: Oboe + voice. Haunting. 4/5 Clarimonica (98) ESD-5003: FM synth clarinet/harmonica. Ok. Pan Flute (37) ESD-5003: FM synth flute with no sustain. Ok. The Reeds (32) ESD-62: Broken GTR chord organ. 3/5 Solo Oboe (17) ESD-5001: OB-8 oboe approximation. Mediocre. Legato Flute (378) ESD-2: Rather breathy and limited. Nice tremolo on aftertouch. Out Flute (374) ESD-5027: Synth flute. *** Brass *** Tuba (1488) ESD-129: Redundant attack. 5/5 Flugel Horn (774) ESD-125: Attack is same for every note. 5/5 Rich Horns (151) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth horns. Nice. Brass Orchestra (1122) ESD-5027: Nice synth brass orchestra. Solo Trumpet (666) ESD-11: Surprisingly not too bad. 4/5 Orch Trumpet (342) ESD-11: Surprisingly not too bad. 4/5 Trombone (423) ESD-11: Surprisingly not too bad. 4/5 Trombone (1246) ESD-126: 4/5 Bass Trombn (1209) ESD-127: 4/5 Orch Brs Sec (252) ESD-45: 4/5 French Horn (88) ESD-45: 4/5 Muted Trumpet (109) ESD-45: 4/5 Bite Lines (245) ESD-53: Brass. 4/5 Pop Horn Section (527) ESD-1005: Synth horns. OK Breathy Sax (???) ESD-36: Ok. Nice aftertouch vibrato. Vegas Brass 1 (189) ESD-27: Bright synth brass with weird pitch thing in the lower half. 3/5 Vegas Brass 2 (176) ESD-27: Almost Van Halen Jump. 3/5 Baritone Sax (170) ESD-34: 3/5 Alto Sax (273) ESD-34: 3/5 Tenor Sax - M (967) ESD-34: 3/5 Tenor Sax (908) ESD-1003: Might sound ok if it were hidden in the mix. 3/5 Stab Brass (25) ESD-70: No sustain. Just stab. 3/5 FM Brass (36) ESD-70: Ok, but no sustain. 3/5 Phils Brass (???) Pocket Song: Mediocre brass. Sounds like a single sample. Flugelhorn (86) ESD-5003: FM synth horn. Silly. Vegas Brass 1 (???) ESD-29: Synth brass. Percussive. Slap Brass (???) ESD-29: Smooth synth brass. *** Percussion *** Rock Kit 2 (1573) ESD-5032: 5/5 Ambient Kit 2 (1543) ESD-5033: TomzDrumz Snare. 5/5 Jam Kit 2 (1532) ESD-5034: 5/5 Baking*Tin (161) ESD-53: Best baking tin I've ever heard. 5/5 Ergo Drums (866) ESD-54: Pretty massive kit. Organized for easy two-handed playing, hence the "ergo". 5/5 Devil Bushman (60) ESD-58: Some sort of pitched sound, and a shaker of some kind. 5/5 Sattan (92) ESD-58: A tom sort of drum, with a rise in pitch. 5/5 Morocco (425) ESD-57: Exotic percussion set. 5/5 Afrik (263) ESD-57: Exotic percussion set. 5/5 Tambourines (304) ESD-57: Various exotic tambourines. 5/5 Mixed Up Perc (293) ESD-59: Very exotic layered percussion. 5/5 The Toys III (806) ESD-105: Various bizarre percussion inst. Includes bicycle bell. 5/5 El Gato Drum (453) ESD-105: Bongo of a sort. 5/5 DinosaurDrum (1017) ESD-5020: Nice rap/R&B-oriented kit. Droomed (911) ESD-26: Drums made up of explosions. 4/5 Small Droomed (371) ESD-60: Smaller version of Droomed. 4/5 Hit Kit (436) ESD-13: Ok. Nice gated reverb. 4/5 Latin Percuss (357) ESD-43: Good latin percussion. 4/5 Mark Tree-Down (262) ESD-40: Wind chimes. 4/5 Snare Buzz Roll (134) ESD-40: Loop is a bit obvious. 4/5 Mark Tree-Up (263) ESD-40: Wind chimes. 4/5 Air Kit 1 (619) ESD-56: Limited kit. 4/5 Snaps (101) ESD-60: Reverb finger snaps. 4/5 The Tambour (125) ESD-105: A tambour. One pitch. 4/5 Drum Kit 2 (853) ESD-14: 4/5 Contemp Kit 1 (1386) ESD-71: Acoustic. 4/5 Contemp Kit 2 (1433) ESD-72: Electronic. 4/5 Contemp Kit 4 (1151) ESD-74: Electronic. 4/5 Contemp Kit 5 (942) ESD-76: Electronic power. 4/5 Contemp Kit 6 (1250) ESD-77: Acoustic, but with lots of delay and reverb. 4/5 Elec Kit 1 (1123) ESD-78: Powerful. 4/5 Elec Kit 2 (884) ESD-79: Out there. 4/5 Rap Drums (???) ESD-29: Decent synth rap kit. Triangles (54) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth triangle/bell. Good. Spike Bike (???) ESD-5004: Percussive bottle. Good. Woody Hit (???) ESD-5008: Wood percussion. Good. Latin Perc (868) ESD-3: Lots of latin percussion sounds. Good. Deep Tom (136) ESD-5003: FM synth drum. Ok. Drum (225) ESD-10: Rather limited kit. 3/5 Jam Drums (194) ESD-21 Small kit. Cheap sounding. 3/5 Nasty Drums (270) ESD-24: Weak drums. 3/5 Ambient Drums (504) ESD-43: Mediocre drums. Too much effects. 3/5 Wild Drums (367) ESD-27: Limited distorted kit. 3/5 Power Drums (1006) ESD-1004: Pretty weak. Short cymbal samples. 3/5 Radio Kit (???) Pocket Song: Fairly weak kit. Might have one or two keepers. Perc FX (???) Pocket Song: Minimal drum kit with randomly panned clicks. Tab Drum (161) ESD-5026: Percussion. Bricks (???) ESD-5006: Brick Percussion. Soda Can Perc (???) ESD-5006: Percussion. Like spike bike. Nuked Bang (???) ESD-5009: High hat and a pot lid. SynthDrumz (412) ESD-23: Very bizarre synth drums. ?/5 FX Gongs (492) ESD-58: Can't load this on my disk. *** Strings *** Pizzicato Strgs (403) ESD-33: Nice. Intimate. Includes string slap. 5/5 Mini-Violin (397) ESD-125: Attack is same for every note. 5/5 Orch Strings 1 (???) ESD-1: Nice, full, synth strings. High Strings (133) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth strings. Nice. Low Strings (81) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth strings. Nice. Cello (889) ESD-16: ** patch has a nice strings sound. Otherwise crap. 4/5 Tremolo Strings (533) ESD-31: 4/5 Stacked Strings (264) ESD-33: Layered strings. 4/5 Bowed Strings (413) ESD-33: Ok. Strange decay. Click in WS1's loop. 4/5 Cellos (264) ESD-45: 4/5 Violins (263) ESD-45: 4/5 Symstrings (1225) ESD-64: Dark strings. WS transition issue. 4/5 FM Strings (84) ESD-70: 4/5 Solo Violin (1309) ESD-130: Redundant attack. 4/5 String Pad ESD-5006: Strings. Good. Epic Strings (980) ESD-1006: Sound like video game/zelda synth strings. OK. Echo Bass (with strings) (105) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth bass. Ok. Patch select gives string sound. Solo Cello (143) ESD-46: 3/5 Tympello (253) ESD-48: Distorted Cello. 3/5 *** Vibes/Marimba/Kalimba/Xylophone/Steel Drum *** Vibraphone (448) Ted-002, ESD-43: Good vibes. Single wavesample. 4/5 Marimba (107) ESD-48: Compare with Vibraphone on ESD-43. 4/5 Lobi Balafon (121) ESD-57: Like a marimba. 4/5 Sanza (240) ESD-57: A marimba with rattles. 4/5 Island (86) ESD-70: Steel drum with a strange sustain. 4/5 Syrimba (???) ESD-29: Good. Synth Marimba. Ethnic Wood (44) ESD-5003: FM synth kalimba/marimba. Good. Kalimba (16) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth kalimba. Ok. Vibes (41) ESD-5003: FM synth vibes. Ok. Lead Vibe (40) ESD-10: OO patch is parallel fourths. O* patch is a single vibraphone. Not bad, but sustain is infinite which is completely unrealistic. 3/5 Jacob*Marimba (124) ESD-53: Rather short/wimpy marimba. 3/5 *** Bell/Tine/Chime/Harp *** Buddha Bells (191) ESD-58: Bells. 5/5 Mysteries (173) ESD-61: Very small bells. 5/5 Shade Bell (306) ESD-68: Bell with a sppoky sustain. 5/5 Tiny Tines (50) ESD-70: Almost a Rhodes. 5/5 Pretty Harp (253) ESD-5028: Nice synth harp. Tines (115) ESD-5003: FM synth tines. Nice. Cathedral (243) ESD-61: Looped cathedral bells. 4/5 Harp 1 (466) ESD-62: Small harp. 4/5 Cup Gongs (299) ESD-68: Bell crystal. 4/5 Tack Bell (299) ESD-68: Atmospheric cowbell. Bizarre. 4/5 Wave Bell (21) ESD-70: Synth bell. 4/5 Bell Pad (972) ESD-107: More bell than pad. 4/5 StarBells (107) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth thin percussive bell. Good. Pipe Bell (???) ESD-5008: Bell. Good. Celestia (32) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth celesta. Pretty good. Harpsitine (333) ESD-5001: OB-8 harp/tine. Ok. Harp (12) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth harp. Ok. Heaventine (31) ESD-5003: FM synth tine and decaying organ. Ok. FX Mindchime (29) ESD-5003: FM synth chimes. Ok. Clear Bell (182) ESD-68: Bell/voice with lots of vibrato. 3/5 *** Koto/Zither *** Koto (953) ESD-128: 5/5 Zither (355) ESD-2: Ok synth zither. *** Miscellaneous *** BCD 4 (201) ESD-54: Monophonic lead synth sound. 5/5 Devil Bushman (60) ESD-58: Some sort of pitched sound, and a shaker of some kind. 5/5 Prophet 1 (10) ESD-70: Filter sweep sawtooth. 5/5 Smooth Synth (44) ESD-70: Dark sawtooth with moderate release. 5/5 Synth Solo (39) ESD-70: Monophonic, portamento, dark, sawtooth. 5/5 Genevieve (25) ESD-5001: OB-8 haunting synth swell. Nice. Filter Sweep (130) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth filter sweep. Nice. Zapinga (221) ESD-28: Exotic bell/wood thing. 4/5 Pipe Organ Hit (255) ESD-40: 4/5 Telephone (137) ESD-40: Looped telephone ring. No release. 4/5 Igor's Hit (221) ESD-40: 4/5 Orchestra Hit 2 (231) ESD-40: Sustained forever. 4/5 Saturn (582) ESD-65: Swept noise. 4/5 Krystal (429) ESD-66: Crystal with some jingling. 4/5 Mist (562) ESD-66: Jingling pad. 4/5 The Wave (619) ESD-67: Noise, voice, bell, thing. 4/5 Snow Queen (353) ESD-69: Arpeggiated fifths. Jingle bells. Christmasy. 4/5 Analog Mush (79) ESD-70: Filter swept synth lead. 4/5 Square Solo (10) ESD-70: Monophonic, portamento, square wave. 4/5 FM Blip Synth (25) ESD-70: Filter sweep attack. sawtooth or square? 4/5 Q Sweep (81) ESD-70: Massive filter sweep. Sawtooth. No sustain. 4/5 Analog 14 (14) ESD-70: Filter sweep, sawtooth, moderate sustain, lead synth sound. 4/5 Micro Square (16) ESD-70: Square lead with strong/long attack. Sustain is not infinite. 4/5 Rubbed Glass (18) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth. Good. Attack Decay (6) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth layered sound. Ok. Big Sawtooth (112) ESD-5001: OB-8 synth sawtooth with quick decay. Good. Rude Lead (292) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth lead. Good. Square Lead (26) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth square lead. Mellow/hollow. Good. Tuned Noise (216) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth breathy whistle. Without the whistle. Good. Gently (7) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth sustaining thing. Ok. Dazzle Pulse (8) ESD-5002: MiniMoog synth sustaining thing. Ok. PercussFlute (86) ESD-5003: FM synth percussive thing. Ok. Cosmos Pad (5) ESD-5003: FM synth dissonant pad. Ok. Synolin (12) ESD-27: Synth violin. 3/5 Monosolo (79) ESD-28: Synth monophonic lead sound. 3/5 Spiderlegs (209) ESD-60: Bowed instrument gone very wrong. 3/5 Synthos (640) ESD-67: Massive chorused organ with huge attack. Pretty useless. 3/5 Chroman (762) ESD-69: Extremely filter swept wasps. Two of them. 3/5 Noise (86) ESD-70: Slow attack/decay noise. Like a wave crashing on the beach. 3/5 Synth Whistle (12) ESD-70: Lots of vibrato, no sustain. 3/5 Alien Harp (77) ESD-70: Bizarre bowed sound. 3/5 FX Big Glass (73) ESD-5003: FM synth rubbed glass. Mediocre. Ice Spinner (175) ESD-2: Percussive, cold, spinning. Perky 5th (55) ESD-5026: Percussive synth 5th. Asian sounding. Mute Patrol (133) ESD-5028: Percussive synth sound. East Pluck (263) ESD-5028: Percussive synth sound. China Pluck (872) ESD-5028: Percussive synth sound. Whales (11) ESD-5001: OB-8 high pitched falling tone. Weird. Digabla (114) ESD-5007: Blah is right. Not sure what this is good for. Percussive. Synthy. Synorchestra (???) ESD-5008: Layered synth orchestra. Big Stack (???) ESD-5004: Not sure. Really big. Strav Hit (357) ESD-3: Orchestra hit. Timeless (245) ESD-10: Synth orchestra. Short sustain. Vegas Hit (549) ESD-21 Can't load. Disk corrupted. Probably for the best. Check for a backup. Tube Bass (308) ESD-23: Percussive watery thing. ?/5 Maxeled (132) ESD-23: Strange. Like a crash cymbal and something else. ?/5 Jenny (837) ESD-24: Weird synth thing. Rubbed glass. ?/5 Sml Combo Hit (253) ESD-60: Hit. *** Unsorted ***